
Is it Better to use Cobra 120 MG

What is Cobra 120 mg?

The full name of the tablet is “Cobra Vega Extra 120 erectile dysfunction tablets“. The medicine belongs to the group of generic Viagra with the main ingredient is Sildenafil Citrate. This chemical composition is used for people who have erectile dysfunction (ED). The Cobra 120 mg pill has a concentration of 120 mg sildenafil citrate. It has the power to stop phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5), making it a natural inhibitor.

Sildenafil Citrate increases the smooth blood flow to the penis if there is sexual motivation. It does this by blocking PDE 5 enzyme. The enzyme is responsible for cGMP breakdown. After there is a breakdown, the cGMP starts relaxing and widening the blood vessels, making the muscle cells function more smoothly. Thus, it allows the men to have a hard and long-lasting erection for sex.

The effects of Cobra 120 mg pills stays from 4 to 6 hours. Our client’s reports have been averaged to 5 hours. Patients using Cobra 120 mg regularly have reported successful and happy sexual intercourse, and about 98% have retained and used this tablet.

The tablet is manufactured by HAB Pharmaceuticals & Research Ltd. in clinical conditions, and Cobra 120 mg is produced in a high-quality standard to ensure its safety and effectiveness.


How does Cobra 120 mg work?

It is a very simple process; the Sildenafil Citrate breaks the cGMP enzyme to get into action, explicitly stopping phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE 5). The enzyme attacks and breaks cGMP, which is a substance that makes smooth muscles relax.

Annihilating the PDE 5 means increase in the concentration of cGMP within the muscles, helping them relax. Relax muscles mean enlarging the blood vessels and blood flow. PDE 5 is mainly concentrated in the retina, lungs, and penis. It is located in the place of the body within the smooth muscles cells and some blood vessels.

Sildenafil Citrate comes under a class of medication that acts as a PDE 5 inhibitor. As a result, Sildenafil Citrate will boost the blood flow in the penis during sexual stimulation. It is because it blocks the enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of cGMP. The cGMP is a substance that relaxes and broadens the blood vessels and smooth muscles too.

Sildenafil Citrate works only if the male is under sexual stimulation. The tablet is activated 30 minutes after ingesting, but sometimes it takes longer to start, around 1 hour. It stays activated until 4 to 6 hours.

Sildenafil Citrate is mainly used to treat blood pressure by reducing it in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and erectile dysfunction (ED). Therefore, it is occasionally taken for ED and regularly for PAH. Typical side effects include headache, upset stomach, and flushing.

Cobra 120 mg works and affects the same way other medications do, and the other medicine can war in a similar way to Cobra 120 mg. Some side effects are very usual. Cobra 120 mg does not claim to protect you or your sexual partner from getting sexually transmitted diseases (STD), including HIV and the virus that causes AIDS.

How do you use Cobra 120 mg tablet?

Our team of experts has prepared pointers. Please read it to get the best use of the tablet:

  • Would you please take only one tablet of Cobra 120 mg pills within 24 hours
  • Always put the pill in your mouth and then drink a glass of water.
  • The effects of the pill will start after 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • The pill will stay active for 4 to 6 hours.
  • If you see yourself transmitting any side effects, please consult a doctor or a gynecologist.

Benefits of Cobra 120 mg

Cobra 120 mg is one of the most popular sildenafil in the generic category on the market used as a cure for erectile dysfunction. The medication is perfect for treating any impotence and is able to stop prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Here is a summary of all befits of Cobra 120 mg:

  • The medication starts its effect in 30 to 60 minutes.
  • It has a very high content of sildenafil for full and better effects.
  • Your performance and stamina will exceed the average limitations.
  • You can have prolonged sexual intercourse for up to 6 hours.
  • You need no prescription to buy the tablet online.


    • Sildenafil is very safe, but some precautions are recommended to the users.
    • Never overdose on the tablets. It will lead to various side effects and will be hazardous to health.
    • Avoid alcohol before medicine intake.
    • Any Nitrate medicines with Sildenafil citrate in it cause a reduction in blood pressure. The combination is deadly.
    • We recommend not to intake Cobra 100 mg tablets close to the expiry date. Short expiry or expired medicines loses their powers and may not give the outcome.
    • If you have diabetes or you have, Hypertension, Hypotension or any other chronic disease. We do not recommend Cobra 100 mg without the doctor’s permission.

What are the side effects of Cobra ?

A company never created a medicine without side effects. The side effects range from medium to high. With more vital medicines come strong side effects. Below are the commonly noted side effects.

  • Blurred vision
  • Chest Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Hair loss
  • Hearing loss
  • Headache
  • Itching
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting

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